
month, we had the pleasure to participate in two expert panels on the topic of US/Israel Tax and Investment Matters for Olim. We’d like to thank the hundreds of professionals and prospective Olim who participated, and especially appreciate their very positive feedback.
The following topics were discussed during the talk:
• Select US & Israel Tax Issues Confronting Olim
- Tax credits
- Israeli tax holiday
- FBAR reporting
- Expatriation tax
- Israeli taxation of US trusts
• Taxation of retirement and Social Security income
• Investment challenges facing Olim from the US
If you were unable to attend or would like to revisit the presentation, you can view the slides and recording of the Fox Rothschild LLP sponsored event here -
And a recording of the June 14th Nefesh B'Nefesh webinar on the same topic can be found here-
Please follow up with us at if we can be of further assistance.