Cross-Border Planning
MaimonWealth is an independent wealth management firm created to serve the cross-border investment and planning needs of high-net-worth families in Israel and the United States. Our mission is to deliver comprehensive and transparent solutions that will provide families with peace of mind by carefully addressing their financial objectives and cross-border considerations.
Coordinating one’s financial, tax and investment planning across jurisdictions requires special care and expertise. This especially true for Americans and Israelis moving between the United States and Israel. Relocating without the proper preparation can result in a disjointed plan, in higher taxation, and in enhanced risk.
MaimonWealth is a dually licensed* cross-border advisor with the knowledge, experience, and resources to design and implement a plan to meet your transitional and longer-term needs in both the United States & Israel.
Cross-Border Services Include:
Holistic advice on cross-border financial, tax and estate planning
Comprehensive asset and currency allocations across US, Israel and other accounts
Establishing accounts with financial institutions that work with relocating families
Implementation of investment strategies for both US and non-US family members
Planning for US inheritance tax exposure
Establishment and evaluation of local pension accounts and insurance products
Management of currency risk
Exit strategies to prevent residency questions or issues
Transparent index-funds based global investment strategies
Working with us

Initial Meeting
First, we listen.
Strategy Meeting
Then we share.
Then we deploy.
Progress, Reports and Meetings
Continually, we monitor and communicate.
We finalize the details and begin to implement your customized plan.
We will gain an understanding of your background, circumstances, and objectives to better understand and serve your needs.